I looked at the blog & realized I have not posted anything for 2 months! My how time flies!! The summer is coming to an end, but much was accomplished these past few months. The buildings are complete....just need some final touches & the sheep (Timmy/Tommy) & steers (Ashli/Norman) can move in!!!
The first weekend in August, Anouk Bikkers & I headed down to the Farm Sanctuary Hoedown in NY....150 people (vegans) , camping, enjoying the lectures, food & the animals....a very fun time!!
The following week we were invited to be involved with an amazing event "10,000 tastes, 10 billion reasons" & it was so much fun! We had a table at Yonge/Dundas Sq & met so many great people! Sold some shirts, mugs, posters etc to help with expenses. The evening portion was a lecture by Gene Baur of Farm Sanctuary....it was inspirational (as always) listening to him talk about the past 25 years since FS started up. Thank you Shannon & Joseph for including us!
We have had lots of visitors this summer & just had a small volunteer day (organized by a Toronto A/R group TARVE) which went very well. Lots of work done, time with the gang & lunch....a good time had by all !
September brings the Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair in Toronto. We are sharing a table with "We animals" & "Ghosts in our Machine". (aka Jo-anne McArthur & Liz Marshall)...quite an honour, I am very excited! I hope many of you will come down to this wonderful experience....drop by our table & say "hi" !
The animals are all doing well...enjoying some of these cooler temps! We had 8 peafowl chicks born in July...2 have since passed away but the others seem to be doing well. A joy to see new life on the farm!
I will post more once we have T & T/Ashli&Norman into their new area....I am excited to see how they will enjoy it!
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